Monday, October 29, 2012

I hope this is not too late.

I've been so busy lately and I forgot to wish 'Happy Birthday. You are old already!' to so many people. So many October babies. We had our Eid Mubarak last three days and that is another reason why I forgot so many people's birthday ( takde kena mengena pun rasanya. puii).

So yeah, we celebrated Eid Mubarak last Friday. Being in a non-Muslim country, we can't expect a special holiday to celebrate raya haji but being in a med school that has more than 15% students who celebrate Eid Mubarak, we actually got one day off. Awesome. Our lectures on Friday were cancelled ( kalau tak cancel pun , memang tak pergi pun. heh) and..and.. and today is Ireland's public holiday.So, we have 4 days off! Yeay (with no exclamation mark because I still have to study. -.-' They are not going to cancel the exams, you know).

This is my third time celebrating raya korban away from my family. For some people raya korban is just another day. Well, it doesn't work that way for me. When it comes to raya, all I need is family or at least, familiarity(and of course, good food). Having Nadira who came all the way from Cork to Dublin made my raya korban more meaningful. I can't have my family here but having her here this year is enough for me. (She just went back to Cork this morning and sending her off to bus stop was hard for me. Ok,Nad, I know I'm a bit dramatic but really...)

firstly, solat raya.

Then, food! One thing I love about Dublin, we have Malaysian Hall here! I've learned my lesson. Jangan nak mengada sambut raya dekat tempat yang tak ada Malaysian Hall. You'll miss good food and...familiarity.

"you just don't know how to control when it comes to food. Right,Aisyah?"

this might be our last raya korban together for six of us. Syamim and Shanaz are going back to Penang for good in another 3 months. T_T

The next day, we got two invitations to open house. All of us used to be in the same class 4 years ago. 
"4 years ago.Crazy. Time flies."
"We are getting older."
"No wonder, I have back pain lately."

 And yesteday, me and my housemate decided to invite our friends to our new place.
 Since there are only 2 of us living in this house, so we decided to divide the cooking task. I cooked mee udang since baking and desserts are not my forte.I only know how to enjoy eating dessert not making them.

the most romantic couple so far. -.-'

Shanaz is one of the October babies! Happy belated birthday,dear!!

The girls.

 I left my camera for a sec, and I found this today. Sepet family!
My favorite part of this year raya, having them here. :')

p.s: ok, now, back to study and research. boooring!


Anonymous said...

hai si cantik. :)

NA said...
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