Saturday, June 30, 2012

crazy,sweet dream.

for a while, i lived in a dream. i forgot we actually live in  a world of worst case scenario. happiness is actually a key to sorrow and sadness. all the positive vibes are actually killing me softly. don't ever put your trust to this world, i remind myself.  people betray you. people change. no matter how you think the person is the best for you, no matter how you think your friend is the best , no matter how much you love someone, don't ever and ever give your heart and trust to them, again, i remind myself. for a while, i lived in a dream. it was a nice, crazy yet sweet dream. still, it was a dream. you know, we should stop ourselves from hoping for the best because most of the times, the best thing doesn't happen.

i don't know if i can trust you. i want to to trust you but i don't know if i do. but i'm trying. or i'm done trying.

p.s: heart, let's take a break.

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